Tuesday 11 June 2013

Using a Positive and Supportive Approach in Potty Training

When your child is ready to potty train, you should take every necessary step to make it part of their everyday life. You have to make your toddler understand that it is a normal routine that everyone does even animals.

Methods You can Use

I have found that explaining that the toilet is a place that is meant for going potty just in an educative manner is highly effective. You can explain how the potty works and let him or her use the flush.  I think that now is the right time to make them realise that they will no longer be wearing diapers. Using DVDs that have their favourite characters undergoing potty training is also another good way to help them grasp the facts easily, such as Elmo's Potty Time.

In my opinion, getting other members of the family to become actively involved in the potty training process will yield better results. Stressing the significance of consistency is also important.

Appropriate Attire

When you begin the potty training, special consideration to the clothing should be given. I have often observed that toddlers like to make their own choice when it comes to buying their underwear. This way they will more readily wear them without complaint.  You have to first decide what kind of clothing is best for potty training. It can be pull-ups, regular underwear or training pants but whatever you choose, you have to be consistent.   Many brands offer pull-ups and training pants with cartoon characters and pictures on which might appeal to your child.  Huggies in the past have used Disney characters such as Cars and Toy Story but even some supermarket brand pull-ups have pictures on like animals.

Although I do not think rewards or treats have much influence with potty training, if you want to use them, you can go ahead but with caution.   Instead of actual treats, some people use potty training charts with their child's favourite characters on, and there are many free potty training charts that you can print up from the Internet including Dora the Explorer and Thomas the Tank Engine.

You need to devise a plan on how to deal with the potty issues when you go on long trips.  What you need to avoid is using tight and restrictive clothing or clothes that have snaps, plenty of buttons or zips that are difficult to handle by the child. These clothes should be avoided at all costs.

Whenever a child uses the potty by themselves, you need to praise his or her efforts but give ample support if they do not do it properly. As I mentioned before, treats as supportive measures are not advisable. The toddler has to understand that it will take some time for them to get used to the process. Encouraging them in each positive step they take will make them try it more devotedly and this will help to get them trained in a shorter period of time. 

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