Baby Advice

Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding - A Few Basics That Every New Mum Should Know

Bringing a child into this world is definitely the most important thing in the life of a woman. However, the act of birth represents the beginning of a long process which highlights some important stages, from breastfeeding to sending your child to school. And because breastfeeding represents a very important stage of this process, this article is going to discuss a few essential things that you should know about breast feeding.

Breastfeeding: Making the Choice Bottles or Breast

Every single mum-to-be has to make a very important choice, which relates to the way she is going to feed her baby. And even though most specialists advise that new mothers to breastfeed their babies, not all are willing to do try it. The truth is that human milk presents the most complex nutrition for an infant, being superior to any other alternatives. And for this reason, breastfeeding is the most recommended nutrition option for newborn babies especially for the first year of life. However, some mums reject this idea especially because there are so many other alternatives. Even though specialists are proposing different infant formulas, every single mum must know that all of them present various nutritional deficiencies, which can have some incredible effects on their babies. 

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

The specialists admit the fact that the exact composition of the human milk is still unknown. For this reason, it cannot be duplicated no matter how much the scientists are trying. And this is the reason why breastfeeding comes along with some unique benefits, which cannot be delivered by any other substitutes. Thus, every new mum must know that by simply breastfeeding her baby, she is able to give him or her a terrific start in life. If you are a new mum, you should know that breastfeeding provides:

  • The Perfect Nutrition: The breast milk is the only one that meets the nutritional needs of every baby. Additionally, breast milk cannot be contaminated with other substances. However, you must take care with regard to the foods that you consume or medication that you take as some of them can contaminate the milk and harm your baby.

  • A Healthy Child: It is a well-known fact that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of disease and infection in both mother and baby. The reason for this is the fact that the production and consumption of human milk actually aids in the development of the immune system. As a result, the number of breastfed infants who develop cancers, diabetes, gastrointestinal conditions and asthma is much lower than the number of those babies who are fed with different formulas. As well, breastfed babies are less likely to develop the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS.

What Else You Should Know about Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not as difficult as you might think. However, in order to get everything right from the very first moments, there are a few steps that you should follow, such as:

Breastfeeding Preparation: Everyone knows that breastfeeding is a natural process. However, there are a few things that you must consider and even do in advance. Learning how to breastfeed your baby can take a lot of practice and for this reason, you should attend special classes that are ready to help you to develop the right skills.

Read Books: You can always find the information needed in a good book and there are plenty of good books on breast feeding available.

Give It Some Time: Breastfeeding your baby is similar to everything new in life that we try, sometimes you can pick it up straight away and sometimes it takes a lot of practice and patience. The first weeks are always the most difficult ones. Most women succeed to breastfeed their babies perfectly after only a few weeks.

Breastfeeding comes along with another great advantage: it is very convenient. And this is because there are no baby bottles to handle or formulas to buy, meaning in the long term it will save a lot of money. There are a few accessories that you might want to have, such as breast pumps, and special nursing pillows. But, prior to taking any decisions, make sure that you consider all the available options and get only those that can really help you to enjoy a perfect nursing experience.

Breastfeeding The First Six Weeks

Breast milk is not only the best start you can give to your baby, breast milk is also complete food source, containing every nutrient your baby needs, including hormones and disease fighting compounds that are not found in powered milk.  The nutritional composition in breast milk will adjust to your baby's needs as they grow up and develop. Breast milk helps with brain building, and also has infection fighting benefits , which no powered milk can match.  Breast feeding will also help to build a special bond between you and your baby. When breast feeding, your baby thrives on contact, cuddling, and holding,  and of course so do you.

Since breast feeding can take up to hour, sometimes more, you should pick a cosy spot. The surroundings are also very important especially in the first few days of breast feeding when you're still trying to learn.  If you are easily distracted by noise, go someplace quiet.

You should always keep your baby in a position that will not lead to aching arms and back. It is best to support the back of your baby's head with your
hand, although which position you pick depends on what's more comfortable for you.  When supporting your baby, a nursing pillow can be helpful, and there are some very . You should never feed until both you and your baby are relaxed.  Pay attention to how your breast feels when your baby fastens on, as its mouth should cover most of the area below the nipple, and the nipple should be completely in your baby's mouth.

While some new mums adjust to breast feeding easily, other mums find it hard to learn at first. Everyone is different when starting, it depends upon the mother and the situation.  Breast feeding will take a lot practice, you should give yourself as much time as you need so it becomes second nature.  Always take it one day and one feed at a time.  If you are having a bad day, say to yourself that it will get better, and you are not alone. Keep in mind that any problems are normally short-term, and you will be nursing like a natural by your six week postnatal check-up.

The first six weeks will be a learning curve, you can't expect to know everything when you first start, which is where training, practice and patience will really help you . The more you breast feed, the more you will learn. You will also build a bond with your baby - which is something the two of you will always have for the rest of your lives.

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